Company Maintenance - General
This is where all specific company settings are managed. Users
whose access privileges include 'HR Maintenance' can view and edit
company data (local site information).
- Go to Maintenance. Click on Company. Company Code will be
grayed out in case the user has access to only one "company" or the
session is restricted to only one company code. If user has access
to multiple company codes, he will have to select the desired
company from the provided drop down menu.
- Click on LookUp company to go directly to company record.
Company Maintenance sections:
- General Information section:
- Company Code: It will appear grayed out. This field shows the
code that has been assigned to identify local office in the
international system. For example: ARGE for Argentina, CNDA for
Canada, or INDI for India.
- Name: It refers to company local name, e.g. JAMAICA LTD.
- Address1: It referes to the physical location address.
- Address2: Enter additional address information.
- City: It referes to the name of the city or town where the
office building is located.
- State: It refers to the state or province where the office
building is located.
- Zip Code: It refers to the local five-character code (usually
numeric) to identify the mailing address area.
- Country Code: The system provides a drop down menu listing all
valid international two-letter country codes.
- Site Manager WIN: It refers to the individual who directs the
on-site operations.
Selecting Site Manager:
- Click on Search. A new window will pop-up so the user can set
the company manager name. User must enter (at least) the first
three letters of manager's name, then click on either Local,
WorldWide or Domestic.
- Click on Search. The system will then provide a list of all
matches based on the characters entered.
- Choose the desired name from list and click on Select. Employee
Id and Employee WIN will automatically be populated.
- Site HR Manager WIN: It refers to the individual who acts as
the head of the site Human Resources staff. Follow the same
indications as for Site Manager WIN.
- Site Controller WIN: It refers to the individual who acts as
the head of the site administrative or accounting department.
Follow the same indications as for Site Manager WIN.
- Area Code: It is the long distance code for that particular
- Phone Number: It is the local office phone number.
- Fax Number: It is the local office fax number.
- GL Account: It refers to the General Ledger Account number. If
number is unknown, please contact local controller.
- Currency Code: Use drop down menu to select the site local
- Exchange Rate: It shows the current exchange conversion based
on 1 US Dollar to local currency. This value is updated every month
by the system administrator.
- Picture Orientation: It determines how the employee picture is
shown when accessing employee record. User may select Protrait
(vertical), or Landscape (horizontal).
- MT Hours Offset: It referes to the difference between local
time and Mountain Time (United States). Mountain Time must be
considered as the reference since the IPS server is located in
Sandy, Utah (USA).
- Min Age of Hire: User may enter the minimum employee age at the
time of being hired. IPS will validate all new hires based on this
criteria. If employee age is below this number, then the system
will not allow the hire process to be completed.
- Max Age of Hire: User may enter the maximum employee age at the
time of being hired. IPS will validate all new hires based on this
criteria. If employee age is above this number, then the system
will not allow the hire process to be completed.
- Allow Contract Expiration Date: User may click on checkbox if
contract expiration date must be shown in employee payroll
- Financial Information section:
- Tax ID Number: It refers to the registration number issued by
the local Internal Revenue Services office.
- Social Security ID Number: It refers to the registration number
issued by the local Social Security office.
- Main Bank: It refers to the bank name where the company
finances are managed. Field allows up to 33 characters.
- Bank Account: It is the local Bank Account Number.
- Account Format:
- GL Account Mask:
- Payroll Information section:
- Update FEPS: Click on checkbox if company uses FEPS (Front
End Payroll System) to record employee transactions.
- When the "Update FEPS" checkbox is NOT active, the date will
automatically change to the next pay end period right after the
current pay period end date.
- When the "Update FEPS" checkbox IS active, the employees under
this company code will be automatically added to FEPS system,
as well as basic access accounts, otherwise, the employees that may
exist in FEPS system and that belong to this company code will
remain in that system.
- Payroll Management: Click on checkbox if company uses IPS as
the local payroll application.
- Generate Automatic Absences: Click on checkbox if company
employees use FEPS time clocks to keep track of attendance time
sheets. IPS will generate an 'absence' in employee attendance
record for every day he does not clock in/out.
- Validate Termination Date: Click on checkbox if the system must
validate that the termination date is within the current Pay Period
start and end dates.
- Automatic Salary Adjustment: Click on checkbox if company does
use IPS to automatically adjust the Employee's salaries by
discounting a day of salary for each of the following:
- Incidences - In case of incidences that are eligible to
discount salary for every day within the current Pay Period start
and end date.
- New Hires - The total days previous to hire date for employees
being hired within the Current Pay Period start and end dates.
- Termination - The total days after a termination date for
employees being terminated within the Current Pay Period start and
end dates.
- The adjusted Salary Amount will be inserted as a Payroll
transaction if IPS is used as the local Payroll application.
- IPS will generate a transaction in FEPS system
if the Company uses FEPS to record employee
- For Employees being changed from a Non Salary Pay Type to a
Salary pay type, the system will perform the adjustment according
to the rules mentioned above.
- For Employees being changed from a previous Salary Amount to a
New Salary amount the system will perform the adjustment according
to the rules mentioned above.
- Enable WIN as primary key: Click on checkbox if Company will
use the system generated WIN as the primary key, instead the local
Employee ID.
- Check for TC coincidences: When checkbox is active, IPS will
compare all employee incidences versus FEPS time
clock records at the time of freezing HR transactions at the end of
the pay period.
In case an incidence had been entered on the same date where time
cards exist, the system will alert the user, to he can fix the
If company is not currently using FEPS, then
this checkbox does not have to be active.
- Email password for new hires: IPS creates a minimum-access user
account for every new employee that is hired. This account only
allows the employee to view his own pay slip if the Company uses
IPS as the local Payroll Application. If this checkbox is active,
IPS will send the user an email to provide the corresponding login
credentials. The Email containing the temporary password and
instructions will be sent to a valid email address in the following
- Employee email address.
- If employee does not have a valid email address, then the email
will be sent to the employee's supervisor.
- If employee's supervisor does not have a valid email address
then the email will be sent to the Local HR manager.
- if Local HR Manager does not have a valid email address then
the email will be sent to the IPS System Support email address:
- Pay frequency: Use drop down menu to select the local company
pay frequency:
- Annual - once per year
- Bi-annual - every two years
- Bi-Weekly - every other week
- Contract - once a specific task has been performed.
- Daily - each day
- Every four weeks
- Every six days
- Hourly - each hour
- Monthly - each month
- Quarterly - every three months
- Semi-Annual - twice per year
- Semimonthly - twice a month
- Weekly - every week
- Scheduled Hours: This value is used to populate the employee
level information at the time of the hire / rehire process. This
means the figure entered here will be displayed as the 'default
value'. It refers to the number of hours an employee is expected to
work over the course of a regular pay period. Consider the
following guidelines before entering value:
- It is a mandatory field for new Company setup.
- Field must contain a figure greater than zero, and cannot
exceed the total number of hours contained in a company pay
- If Pay frequency is changed, then Scheduled Hours will need to
be reviewed and changed accordingly at the company and employee
- The access privilege to update this value is restricted to HRIS
and IPS administrators only, and the figure can be modified at any
time in the future. However, any updates or changes must be first
authorized by the change committee.
- Current Pay Period: Date will appear grayed out as it is
affected by the following situations:
- If the company uses IPS as the local Payroll Application, the
"Current Pay Period" date will change automatically when a Payroll
Process is completed.
- Case else, the "Current Pay Period" value will be automatically
changed to the "Next Pay Period" as soon as the date has
- Frozen Thru Date (No transactions prior to date): If company
uses IPS as the local payroll apllication and the
Freeze HR Transactions is executed, this field will have the
same value than "Current Pay Period" and it indicates that the
system will not allow any change to the Employee,
& review and Taxes
sections of the Employee
Maintenance module until the Payroll
Process is completed or the transactions are "unfrozen" by the
system administrator.
Other features affected by this action are:
- Direct Deposit (days after end date): If IPS is being used as
the local payroll application, this field will refer to the date
when the employees' pay is wired to their local bank accounts.
- Payroll Process Running: IPS will show Yes or No to inform user
if there is a payroll process currently running.
- Payroll Process Progress: IPS will show the percentage of
progress in the payroll calculation process that is currently
- Refresh Progress: This button will allow user to update the
progress of the current payroll process.
- Unlock Payroll Process: In case -for some reason- the payroll
process has been interrupted or locked or the progress indicator is
not changing in several minutes, user must click on this checkbox,
and then click on Change in order to remove the lock to the process
to perform a new one again.