
The 'Incidences' option in the Human Resources menu allows users to Add, Change, Delete or Search for any incidence in the system.
For every day an employee is absent for work, an 'incidence' must appear in the employee Attendance Record.
In IPS, Incidences are identified by five-letter codes. Examples of Incidences include:

Incidence Types may vary from Company code to Company Code.

Note: Since Sunday is usually the rest day for most employees, the system will automatically register the incidence 'SUN' every Sunday of every week for all employees. If employee’s regular work schedule includes Sundays, please mark the option ‘Sunday Normal Shift’ within the employee record, so the system adds the incidence ABSEN, not SUN if employee is absent from work on a Sunday.

Adding Incidences

Incidences are five-letter codes to identify why an employee is absent from work on a given day.
For example: ABSEN - Absent; EXABS - Excused Absence; VACAT - Vacation; DISAB - Disability.

IPS users can add incidences for current pay period. In addition, when HR Transactions are frozen, IPS allows users to enter incidences for the next pay period, even when it has not been opened yet.

  1. Go to the Human Resources menu.
  2. Select Incidences. Click on Enter Incidences.
  3. Click on ‘Add New’ at the bottom of the page, or click on Add in the upper left.
    System will prompt user to register the incidence information in the appropriate fields:
  4. Enter Employee ID. Click on Verify Employee to see the employee full name in the field below. If name is correct, user may continue. If name is not correct, please check employee listings and try again.
  5. Enter Start Date using the format MM/DD/YYYY.
  6. Enter Number of Days. If a number greater than 1 (one) is entered, the incidence will appear in that number of consecutive days. Incidence days can fall in the next pay period, but Start Date must always be within the current pay period.
  7. The End Date field will be automatically filled right after the number of days is entered.
  8. Click on Submit so the Incidence is added in the system.
In some countries, vacation time is taken by hours as well as by days. For that matter, IPS offers users from those countries the option to add vacations incidences (VACAT) based on hours.
  1. Follow the path to Incidences Maintenance.
  2. After selecting Incidence Type: VACATION LEAVE, the system will give the user the option to enter incidence in Days or Hours (Entry Mode).
  3. If user selects "Hours", then a field called "Number of Hours" will appear at the bottom of the information box.
  4. Enter Start Date in mm/dd/yyy format.
  5. Enter Number of Hours. When this value is entered, the system will then show the number of vacation days that employee is taking based on the number of hours entered. For example, if Number of Hours is 24, the system will show three consecutive working days, and an "8" next to each one of them.
    If Number of Hours is not a rounded "day number" (8, 16, 24, etc.), the system will round out as many days as possible and show the remaining hours in the last consecutive day.
    For example, if Number of Days is 30, the system will show 8 hours taken during each of three consecutive days, and 6 more hours taken on a fourth day.

    NOTE: User must keep in mind that each employee is given a certain amount of vacation hours during the year, and that the system will reject any incidences where the vacation time exceeds the employee balance available.
    Employee vacation time balance is tracked in a section named Incidence Balance under the "Category and Leave" tab.

Changing Incidences


Users may modify incidences which have been previously entered in the system.

  1. Click on Change. User will be prompted to register the incidence information in the appropriate fields.
  2. Click on Search.

If search was narrowed to just one record, then the system will show the incidence record so the user can make the desired changes.

If search resulted in more than one match, the system will display a list of all incidences that matched search criteria. Then user may select the one which must be changed.

Note: If user needs to change the Start Date in one incidence, then he must delete the wrongly entered incidence first, and then proceed to add a new incidence with the correct date.