Upload Payroll Transactions by File
In countries where IPS is used as the local payroll application,
this feature allows the user to enter multiple payroll transactions
(earnings / deductions) at the same time.
Payroll transactions can be uploaded so they are processed for the
current pay period only, or they can be uploaded to be
processed for the current pay period and remain programmed
to be processed in subsequent pay periods automatically.
Uploading payroll transactions by file for the CURRENT PAY
- Fill in a spreadsheet with three columns:
- EmployeeID. For most companies, it is the same as employee WIN.
For some other companies, it is a local employee ID.
- PayrollCode. Enter payroll code which identifies the intended
- Amount. Enter numbers only and decimal points if necessary. Do
not enter the currency symbol ($) or commas.
- Save file as .CSV, and name it as follows:
- File name must start with PRL followed by the Company
Code and two-digit month, two-digit date and four-digit year of the
Pay Period End Date.
- Add a hyphen and a three-character suffix for practical
handling and to avoid undesirable deleting of data.
- For example, Company Code GUAT submitting information for the
Pay Period Feb 15th 2010 would name their import file
PRLGUAT02152010-105.CSV. (105 would be the suffix).
- Go to the Payroll menu. Click on Upload Transactions by
- Browse for PRL File to Upload.
- Enter Email Address, so the system can return the upload
results after processing file.
- Select Payroll Type:
- Normal - For regular payroll which is processed every pay
- Special - For a particular payroll which is processed in a
specific period to pay for wages that were not included in Normal
- Click on checkbox "Accumulate Duplicated Transactions in the
file with same Employee And Pay Code" so all referred transactions
are added up, and not rejected.
- Click on Upload button.
Programming payroll transactions by file for CURRENT and
- Fill in a spreadsheet with nine columns:
- EmployeeID. For most companies, it is the same as employee WIN.
For some other companies, it is a local employee ID.
- TransactionType. Only allowed values are 1, 2, 3 or 4:
- Accumulative with Amount Limit.
- Accumulative with Date Limit.
- Repetitive without Limit.
- Only for this Pay Period.
- Payroll Code. Enter payroll code which identifies the intended
- Amount. It is the figure which will be paid or deducted.
- LimitAmount. It is the total money which will be paid or
deducted from employee salary, as a result of processing this
transaction as many times as necessary.
- AccumulatedAmount. It refers to a figure which has been taken
from a separate calculation, and is considered for the total
transaction balance. It is used only if necessary, when Transaction
Type is 1.
- StartDate. It must be within current pay period. Enter date in
which transaction will be effective. Use format MM/DD/YYY.
- EndDate. It can be any future date. Enter date in which
transaction will be processed for the final time. Use format
- Reference. Enter any numerical expression which may help the
Finance / Payroll department to identify the specific reason behind
employee pay or deduction. It can be an insurance policy number, a
loan identification number, etc.
- Follow steps 2 to 8 as described above.
- If Transaction Type is 1, then column LimitAmount is
mandatory and AccumulatedAmount becomes optional. This type is
normally used to enter payroll deductions and keep automated
balances until they reach a certain limit.
For example:
- To deduct $ 100 each pay period until total adds up to $ 500:
Enter Amount = 100, LimitAmount = 500.
- To deduct $ 60 each pay period until total adds up to $ 300,
considering $ 100 have already been deducted:
Enter Amount = 60, LimitAmount = 300, AccumulatedAmount = 100. This
means the system will deduct $ 60 during three pay periods, and
then $ 20 on the next period.
- If TransactionType is 2, then StartDate and EndDate
become mandatory: This is normally used to enter payroll deductions
which will be continuous until a certain date.
For example:
- To deduct $ 40 each pay period until December 31, 2010.
- To pay $ 50 for taxi cab reimbursement during three
- If TransactionType is 3, then it will be processed each
pay period for unlimited time. For example:
- To deduct a $ 5 union fee for as long as employee keeps working
for the company.
- If TransactionType is 4, then it will be processed for
the current pay period only. This means, the PRL file is completed
the same way as described above, with three columns, but this time
the headers will be included: EmployeeID, PayrollCode, Amount.
Please consider the following guidelines when uploading/programming
transactions by file:
- Uploading process might take considerable time depending on
file size.
- Special Payroll codes do not apply for Normal Payroll.
However, Normal and Special Payroll codes apply for Special
- Submitting the same PRL file twice will erase the transactions
contained in the first, replacing them with those contained in the
second one.
- Transactions will apply only for the pay period specified in
the transaction file.
- Invalid Payroll Codes will be rejected.
- Any transaction which already exists in the system (same type,
payroll code, amount, date and reference) will be rejected.
- Transactions for terminated employees will be rejected unless
termination date is within the current pay period.
- The system will return an email containing the upload process
results. Any rejected lines will include the corresponding reject
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