Transaction Detail report

In companies where IPS is used as the local payroll application, this report provides users with a list of all transactions that were submitted into the system during the current pay period.
Employee transactions may be filtered by either Earnings or Deductions.

  1. Go to Payroll Reports. Click on Transaction Detail.
  2. Select one of the Pay Periods available in the drop down menu. Choose "custom" to specify one. Use the buttons calendar or type it in the format: mm/dd/yyyy.
  3. Select the company code, choose the corresponding Division, SBU ID, Location and Team.
  4. Enter an employee Id/WIN to search for a single employee transactions.
  5. Select Payroll Type: Normal, Special, Both, Special in advance.
  6. Use drop down menu to select a range of payroll codes for the required list of transactions. If user does not select a range a range of codes, then the system will show report containing all transactions from all codes.
  7. GL Accounts. Select an account to sort the payroll codes asigned to that account.
  8. User may sort the report with transactions that have been already applied through Payroll Process, or transaccions that have been just made but not applied, or any other of the options on the menu Transaction Status"
  9. Click on the "Send Me a SpreadSheet" checkbox to receive a report via email. Make sure email address is entered correctly.

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