Payroll Summary report

This feature provides the user with a report of what the payroll looks like up to the moment. This report can start on different levels: Company code, Division, SBU, Location, Team, or single employee. The user can choose from viewing the report on screen, or receiving that particular report in the form of a spreadsheet via email.
IPS Administrators suggest all payroll reports are requested to be sent by email, so the payroll operator or site accountant have an easy way to manage data.

  1. Go to Payroll Reports. Select Payroll Summary.
  2. Select one of the Pay Periods available in the drop down menu. Choose "custom" to specify one. Use the buttons calendar or type it in the format: mm/dd/yyyy.
  3. Select the company code, choose the corresponding Division, SBU ID, Location and Team.
  4. Enter an employee id to search transactions from one employee only.
  5. Select the payroll type: Normal, Special, Both, Special in advance.
  6. GL Accounts. Select an account to sort the payroll codes asigned to that account.
  7. The section "Level to start report on" groups the information displayed in the report. If you check "Division", the first column shown will be the Division, if you check "SBU" the first column will be SBU, and thus successively.
  8. Click on the "Send Me a SpreadSheet" checkbox to receive a report via email. Make sure email address is entered correctly.

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