View Pay Slip
In those countries where IPS is used as the local payroll
application, this feature allows the user to view the employee pay
slips of current or past pay periods. A pay slip may also be known
as pay stub, pay advice or paycheck stub. It refers to the
company-issued document which employees receive as a notice that
the direct deposit has gone through, or as part of their paycheck.
It will usually detail the gross income and all taxes and any other
Viewing a single employee pay slip:
- Go to Payroll Reports. Select Payroll Options. Click on View
Pay Slips.
- Set pay period using provided drop down menu. Select
- Enter employee ID and click on Submit to view that single
employee pay slip.
- Click on List to see a list of all employees whose records are
within the user viewing access.
- Select desired employee by clicking on View Pay Stub (far
- View employee pay slip on screen. Pay slips include the
following information:
- Attendance Sheet. It shows a detail of employee worked days,
rest days and incidences during the selected pay period.
- Earnings. It lists all amounts associated with employee salary,
overtime pay, compensation plans or benefits packages. Total
Earnings shown in pay slip are also called Gross Pay in some
- Deductions. It shows all variable amounts that are substracted
from employee income. They may include local tax or benefits
- Net Pay. It is the amount that was actually paid to employee
after adding up all earnings and substracting all deductions.
For consulting pay slip purposes, IPS automatically creates a
'minimal access' user account for every employee as soon as the new
hire is in the system.
This means every active employee can access his own pay slip aside
from other access privileges he may have, such as entering
incidences or viewing reports.