Upload Employees

This feature gives IPS users a tool to save time when adding new employees in the system. Multiple new hires can be added at the same time by using the ‘Upload Employees’ feature.

  1. Go to Management. Select Data Upload / Upload Options, then click on Upload Employees.
  2. Create a spreadsheet where all employee information will be included. User may download the template by clicking on ‘Download Template’ (right under the Upload button).
  3. Once the template appears on screen, it can be saved so the user can start filling in every field. For every employee record that is included in file, a new row must be completed.
  4. Check the ‘Mandatory Fields’ information, so all fields which are labeled as ‘mandatory’ are properly filled in the file you intend to submit. Users can see a description of these fields by clicking on ‘View Mandatory Fields’. A dialogue box will pop up and you will see a drop down menu where you can select any of the 18 mandatory fields and view its description and system requirements to store any data. Considering that every employee record consists of 52 fields, it is fair to say that the other 34 fields may be left blank at the time of uploading the employee file into the system. When working on filling in spreadsheet, it is important to make sure the nature of all fields that must be completed. Some of the fields allow just numeric characters, and some others are alphanumeric. Also, user needs to know the maximum number of characters that can be entered in every field.
  5. There are some fields which are not mandatory, but that will be automatically filled with a default value in case they are left blank. User will need to fill in those fields with the appropriate employee data in case it differs from the default value.


    Field Default Value Recommendation
    Gender M Enter F if employee is female
    FullTimePartTimeCode F Enter P if employee is PartTime
    Shift Morning Enter Afternoon or Night if employee does not work the morning shift.
    Incentive 0 Enter 1 if employee must have this checkbox activated
    DirectIndirect D Enter I if employee is 'Indirect'

  6. When spreadsheet is completed and ready to be uploaded, save it as a CSV file. File name must be as follows: "UPL" followed by the Company Code and two-digit month, two-digit date and four-digit year of the Pay Period Date. Suffix: For practical handling and to avoid undesirable deleting of data, it is necessary that all files have a suffix, which consists of a hyphen (-) followed by any three-character combination. For example: Company Code JAM submitting information for the Pay Period October 31, 2005 would name their import file UPLJAM10312005-105.CSV (105 would be the suffix).
  7. Go to Management/Data Upload Options/Upload Employees.
  8. Click on ‘Browse…’ to search for your file.
  9. Click on ‘Upload’.