Upload Bonus Plan

This feature gives IPS users a tool to save time when adding employee bonus plans in the system. Multiple bonus plans for the same, or for different employees can be added at the same time. System allows user to add up to seven bonus plans for the same employee.

  1. Go to Management. Select Data Upload / Upload Options, then click on Upload Bonus Plan.
  2. Create a spreadsheet where all bonus plan -or plans- information will be included. User may download the template by clicking on ‘Download Template’ (right under the Upload button). User has the option to click on any of the following links for clarification regarding bonus plans data:
  3. Save completed spreadsheet as a .csv file. Name must be UBP followed by the Company Code and two-digit month, two-digit date and four-digit year of current pay period end date. It is recommended to add a unique suffix to the file, indicated by the - character. For example, company code UK submitting bonus plans for pay period April 15, 2009, would name their file UBPUK04152009-AG1.CSV.
  4. Go back to Upload Bonus by File page. Click on Browse to search for file in user hard drive.
  5. Click on Upload.
  6. See file upload results. If any records are rejected, the system will send an email message explaining the reason for each one of them.